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Notify Prior to Delivery vs Appointment Required

TLI • June 30, 2023

LTL Accessorial Services in Freight Delivery

Within Less than Truckload (LTL) shipping, various accessorial services are available to accommodate specific delivery requirements. Two commonly used accessorial terms are "Notify Prior to Delivery" and "Appointment Required." While they share some similarities, it is important to understand their distinctions to ensure smooth logistics operations. This article aims to shed light on what these accessorial services entail and how they affect LTL shipments.

delivery prep notice

Notify Prior to Delivery:

Notify Prior to Delivery is an LTL accessorial service that allows shippers and consignees to receive advanced notice before their freight is delivered. With this service, the carrier is responsible for notifying the consignee or designated contact person a specific amount of time before the delivery takes place. Typically, a common timeframe is around two hours.

The purpose of Notify Prior to Delivery is to provide the consignee with an opportunity to prepare for the arrival of the freight. This may include ensuring the availability of personnel to unload the shipment, arranging necessary equipment, or making sure the delivery location is ready to receive the goods. By receiving advanced notification, the consignee can streamline their operations, minimizing delays and optimizing efficiency.

Appointment Delivery Required:

Appointment Required is another LTL accessorial service that involves scheduling a specific time for the delivery to occur. Unlike Notify Prior to Delivery, which focuses on providing advanced notice, Appointment Required goes a step further by requiring a predetermined appointment between the carrier and the consignee. This ensures that the LTL delivery takes place at a mutually agreed-upon time, enhancing coordination and reducing waiting times.

LTL Accessorial

Similarities and Distinctions:

While both Notify Prior to Delivery and Appointment Required aim to improve the delivery process, their key distinction lies in the level of coordination required. In the case of Appointment Required, a specific time slot is allocated for the delivery, and both the carrier and the consignee commit to adhering to the agreed-upon appointment time.

On the other hand, Notify Prior to Delivery does not involve a fixed appointment time. Instead, the carrier contacts the consignee with a reasonable advance notice, typically around two hours, before the driver's arrival at the delivery terminal. This allows the consignee to prepare for the delivery promptly, but it still leaves some flexibility regarding the exact timing of the shipment's arrival.

LTL Carrier Procedure for Scheduling Appointments:

For both Notify Prior to Delivery and Appointment Required, carriers typically follow a similar procedure. Once the freight reaches the delivery terminal, the carrier assesses the availability and capacity of their resources, including drivers and equipment. Based on these factors, carriers determine a suitable time slot for the delivery.

In the case of Appointment Required, carriers proactively reach out to the consignee to discuss and confirm a specific delivery appointment. This appointment is often made well in advance, allowing both parties to plan their operations accordingly.

For Notify Prior to Delivery, carriers wait until the freight is at the delivery terminal before scheduling an appointment. This enables the carrier to accurately estimate the time needed for the shipment to reach the consignee's location. Once this estimation is made, the carrier contacts the consignee approximately two hours before the driver's anticipated arrival to provide a heads-up.

Appointment Required

The requirement for appointments during pickup or delivery often stems from specific logistical needs and site protocols. This is particularly common when the destination is a residence, a gated community with a guard shack, or certain facilities and distribution centers that operate on a strict scheduling basis. These locations may require advance delivery notice or appointments for security reasons or to manage incoming traffic efficiently.

Carriers, aware of these prerequisites, inform clients about the need for appointments in advance. However, navigating these appointment-based logistics can be complex. This is where an adept freight broker like Translogistics (TLI) steps in. TLI excels in coordinating these intricacies, facilitating seamless communication between carriers and shippers, ensuring that appointments are scheduled and adhered to, thereby streamlining the pickup or delivery process for all parties involved. This is effective because their TMS system can log notes which can be saved by facility, so remembering a delivery appointment can be recalled simply through address retrieval.

LTL Accessorial Summary

In LTL shipping, accessorial services like Notify Prior to Delivery and Appointment Required play crucial roles in ensuring smooth logistics operations. While both services facilitate better coordination and preparation, they differ in the level of commitment required. Notify Prior to Delivery provides advanced notice before delivery, while Appointment Required involves scheduling a specific appointment time.

Understanding these accessorial services is vital for shippers and consignees to effectively plan their operations, optimize efficiency, and minimize delays. By leveraging the appropriate service, stakeholders in the supply chain


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